토익 단어 복습 및 추가 어휘 03
fill v. 채우다
A car is being filled up at a fuel station.
fill a bucket
fill a refrigerator
fill a container
inspect v.자세히 살펴보다
= examine, study
She's inspecting the tires on a vending cart.
inspect a hole in the window pane
inspect the contents of a box
trim v. 다듬다, 손질하다
Some workers are trimming bushes.
trim some shrubs (관목)
trims branches
(re)pave v. 도로를 (재)포장하다
= surface (도로를) 포장하다
Construction workers are repaving a street.
pave a driveway (진입로)
pave a walkway (보도)
pave with bricks (벽돌로)
assemble v. 조립하다
Some shelves are being assembled.
assembly n. 조립
= gather 모이다, 모으다
A crowded has assembled on the hillside.
float v. (물에) 뜨다
Some boats are floating in the water.
float in the ocean
float in a harbor
float by a dock
mow v. (잔디를) 깎다
A field of grass is being mowed.
mow the lawn.
cut with a lawnmower
perform v. 공연하다, 연주하다
performance n. 공연
performer n. 공연가
Musicians are performing on a stage.
perform outdoors
perform under a canopy (천막)
출처 : ETS 토익단어 / YBM