토익 단어 ( 주문/문의)
오늘도 몰입하자 !!!
prepaid a. 선불의, 선납된
We have enclosed a prepaid, addressed envelope for your convenience.
credit card statement 신용 카드 명세서
You reported that an item on your last credit card statement was unfamiliar to you.
seperate a. 별도의, 분리된
You should receive a seperate e-mail with the shipment's tracking information.
wholesale a. 도매의, 대량의
We have charged the same wholesale prices for our baked goods.
payment arrangement 결제 방식, 지불 약정
Should you need to make alternate payment arrangements, please contact our office manager.
continued a. 계속되는 (=repeated)
Thank you for your continued business with Carson Office Supplies.
query n. 문의 (=question, inquiry)
Thank you for contacting our customer service department with your query.
accommodate v. 부응하다, 수용하다
We wanted to accommodate your requests as onlined on your order form.
confirmation n. 확인(서), 확정
I have yet to receive an e-mail confirmation of my purchase.
prepaid |
credit card statement |
seperate |
wholesale |
payment arrangement |
continued |
query |
accommodate |
confirmation |
출처 : ETS토익단어 /YBM