취미 토익
토익 단어 ( 편지/이메일 )
2024. 10. 15. 13:30
(1) 주문, 문의
dimensions n. 치수, 크기, 규모
Could you let me know the exact dimensoins of the desk?
customized a. 주문 제작의, 맞춤의
I heard that your company provides customized service plans.
online order 온라인 주문
On July 24, I placed an online order for three bouquets of pink lilies.
in stock 재고가 있는
Most of your order is currently in stock.
back order 밀린 주문, 이월 주문
Please be advised that the candles are on back order.
due a. 지불해야 하는 , ~하기로 예정된
The amount due is listed as $243
price range 가격폭, 가격대
Just respond to this e-mail with your price range.
dimensions |
customized |
online order |
in stock |
back order |
due |
price range |
출처 : ETS 토익 단어 / YBM