영어회화 나도 너무 잘하고 싶다

영어 회화 (Would you like to have some coffee?)

emily_n_christy 2024. 10. 8. 21:13

A : Would you like to have some coffee?

B : Yes, please.

A : How do you like it?

B : Black, please.




Would you like to ~? (상대방에게 ~하겠어요?)


Would you like to have some coffee?

=Would you like some coffee?


some 좀, 약간의


black 대신에 with cream / with sugar 가능하다.


대답 : 긍정이면 Yes, please. / 부정이면 No, thanks.




Would you like to go shopping with you?Would you like to come with me?


How do you like it? '마음에 드세요?', '어떻게 할까요?'

How do you like your steak? '스테이크를 어떻게 해드릴까요?'




rare(설익은), medium rare, medium, medium well-done, well-done(잘 익은)


A : Would you like to order now?

B : I will have a steak.

A : How would you like your steak?

B : Medium, please.


출처 : All about speaking / 레이나 지음
